Daily Archives: August 8, 2012

A Republic, IF You Can Keep It!

I want to make a specific appeal to my compatriots in the vast movement to restore liberty in America. Whether you’re a tea party activist, a 9-12er, or a single-issue activist such as an Oathkeeper or an activist for religious liberty, for second-amendment preservation, or the restoration of the tenth amendment, I know that you’ve worked hard, some of you for many years, and I know that much has been asked of you; I know that you’ve answered the call time and again by attending meetings, making phone calls, walking precincts, distributing literature, and making contributions to the cause of liberty in countless other ways great and small. You’ve sacrificed time, money, sweat, tears; you’ve lost friends, maybe even family, as you’ve soldiered on for this noble cause.

I know that you’re tired, exhausted even, and it may seem at times that despite the ground we gained in 2010 that we still have precious little to show for our efforts, and that can be disheartening. While we’ve watched both the Democratic and Republican parties splinter along ideological lines with socialists on the left, progressives in the middle (of both parties), and true conservatives on the right, the numbers of reliable conservatives in elected office still seem too few to truly matter. But the fact is that what we have done though small, is instrumental. We wedged a foot into the door. We loaded the cannons of liberty aboard the U.S.S. Constitution, sailed up to the wayward ship of state that our government has become and fired a shot across her bow to show that we mean business. We must not back down. This is a time where we cannot allow ourselves to be deterred! If you’ve been resting up from your extraordinary efforts in 2010 and allowed others to take the baton for a little while, that’s good! Thank God for you! But the time to re-engage is upon us.

As most of you know, restoring liberty in America requires defeating the socialists and their progressive allies. As you also know, progressivism has corrupted many in the Republican Party. Therefore, any serious attempt to steer the course of this country back toward its constitutional foundations must begin with restoring conservatism in the GOP by replacing progressives and moderates with genuine conservatives. This is a task that can only be done during the primaries when liberty-minded folks like us can challenge the ‘moderate’, complacent, compromising establishment figures in the party with candidates who understand what’s happening and what is at stake. Representatives like Col. West are crying out for reinforcements and it’s up to us to make sure he gets them! Just as General Washington begged the Continental Congress for the things he would need to win the Revolutionary War, good men and women that WE sent to Congress in 2010 are begging for our help and NOW is the time to send them that help!

Good patriots, the time has come to sacrifice our time and our sweat, and take to the streets once again. Not in Washington D.C., but here on our own streets where we can make such a difference in the complexion of our party from the U.S. Congress to the State House and Senate, all the way to our own County Commissions and School Boards – this is where our great republic shines and this is where she needs you! The opposition is reeling, as evidenced by the desperation in their panicked and angry voices, so now is not the time to let up! This is the time to pour it on and bury those voices of tyranny and oppression in a chorus of liberty that will be sung with our feet and marked with our sweat!

Take a look in your backyards, at all the candidates vying to become your local Congressional representatives, your State House representatives and State Senators, your County Commissioners, your local School Board members, and your City Commissioners. As informed patriots, you probably already know who they are and who you’re supporting. You’ve done your homework and you’re ready to cast your ballots, or perhaps have already done so. Congratulations. Pat yourselves on the back and feel good for having satisfied the minimal requirement for being a good citizen.

Now it’s time to finish the job of being a modern-day patriot. It’s up to you, the informed and engaged patriots, to carry forward the sacrifice of our forefathers who secured our liberty for us. Because of them, we don’t have to go to war and purchase our liberty with our blood. They did that for us and have bequeathed to us the liberty they fought and died for. We forget that at our peril. No generation that lost its liberty has ever lived to see it again; and liberty, once lost, can only be re-purchased with blood. None of us wants to see such a day, and such a day does not have to be.

We have a choice. We can preserve our liberty now with our sweat or we can leave it to our children to purchase with their blood. It really is that serious. Find your local liberty-minded candidates and volunteer. Do it now. Today. Sign up to walk precincts. Make phone calls. Stand at polling places on Election Day. Whatever your local candidates are doing, become involved. Work hard. Spend some sweat. Don’t leave a task undone. We all crave the restoration of our great nation. We hunger to see changes in our government at all levels. It starts with us, with every single one of you reading this. Get back out there, and BE the change you wish to see!

God bless you, and may God bless America!