Category Archives: Current Events

Is it time for a new party?

Is it time for a new ‘conservative’ party?

Herman Cain recently said that he thinks so, and I find it hard to argue with him. Herman is right when he alleges that “neither party is going to fix the problems we face” and agreed with American Family Radio host Bryan Fischer that conservatives are growing tired of being ignored by Republican Party leadership and that many conservatives believe that the GOP no longer speaks for them. I’ve felt that way for a very long time and my conviction has only grown stronger over the past few years.

2012 Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain

The need for a third party isn’t based on the damage the progressives in government, the Democratic Party, and the media managed to do to the Republican ‘brand’, so to speak. The issue I have with the Republican Party, and have always had with the Republican Party, is that the leadership of the party is so ensconced within the ‘inside the beltway’ political culture that when it comes to leading and governing based upon ideology and principle they suddenly find themselves at odds with their own professional and financial interests and nothing ever changes.

Most likely, close to 80% of the rank-and-file of the Republican Party are ideological conservatives, but when the rank-and-file try to hold the leadership to account for leading and governing by that standard, we’re told that it’s just not possible to lead or govern that way, that in order to lead and govern compromises and sacrifices must be made, that accommodations and appeasement are the pragmatic and responsible way forward. Furthermore, we’re told that to insist upon conservative ideals in matters of legislation and policy is naïve and foolish; that government ‘just doesn’t work that way.’

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are perfect examples of this flawed thinking, but they hold the reins of power in the party very tightly and they have placed people in support roles who agree with them, creating an entrenched power base that refuses to budge or be swayed. As long as that remains the case, the Republican Party will continue to lose national races, and this GOP leadership has gone to great lengths to see to its perpetuation.

Tea party folks have been trying to make headway against this ever since we got involved with the party, but it just won’t crack. And while we have made significant strides in spreading the message that conservatism and returning to the constitutional limits placed upon the federal government are key principles in finding the best answers to our nation’s present problems, no amount of public opinion, popular support, or grassroots political action has done a thing to create the slightest dent in this cabal who are determined to go against the rank-and-file’s wishes and march the GOP off into the political wilderness.

The leadership of the party are even now trying to blame Mitt Romney’s loss on the tea party movement and using that as an excuse to discredit ideological conservatives and eliminate us as a threat to their precious political power. As a result, the GOP is now about to move even farther to the political left which will lead to their complete undoing.

I really don’t think the answer is to keep trying to bail out the rapidly sinking ship that the Republican Party has allowed itself to become. I agree with Herman Cain, and I started thinking along the lines of a third party from the time it became clear that the GOP leadership were doing their best to force their choice for the nomination upon the rest of the party. Now that we’ve all done our best with what we were handed by the Republican leadership to try to stop the progressive agenda I think it’s time to form a genuinely conservative political party; a party independent of that nest of politicos. A party that can verbally articulate conservative solutions comprised of people who know conservatism because they live and breathe conservatism every day of their lives rather than be misled again and again by GOP political hacks who’ve learned how and when to deliver focus group-tested conservative-sounding sound bites whenever election season rolls around.

In politics, ideology is everything – but timing is critical. The time may never be more ripe than now to mount a conservative challenge to the GOP. If all the genuine conservatives in the Republican Party were to leave the party for a better alternative, the GOP leadership would find itself in command of an empty, sinking boat. Let them own their message of accommodation and appeasement and all it has gotten them – and us. Conservatism deserves better spokesmen than a bunch of witless sycophants inside the Washington Beltway trying to speak conservatism as a second language. We need a party whose leadership won’t garble the message or drop the ball when principled push comes to ideological shove.

Conservatism needs a new home and America needs a conservative party that will speak with a genuine voice and act with conviction and determination, leading by principled example. I believe the time is now for those whose reverence is for Washington, Madison, and Jefferson; for Davy Crockett, Daniel Webster, and Abraham Lincoln; for Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan, for those who have seen to the birth and perpetuation of liberty as mankind’s greatest gift and its ultimate material salvation, to form a party reflective of those ideals led by principled men and women who are ready to take up the torch and be an effective force in government. We need a new ‘conservative’ party.

Glenn Beck Responds to White House Benghazi Memos | Ansar al-Sharia | Video |

Glenn Beck Responds to White House Benghazi Memos | Ansar al-Sharia | Video |


Sadly, this is now absolutely true. Now.. what are we going to DO about it?

I encourage everyone who has been a listener and viewer of Glenn Beck in the past to subscribe to GBTV. It’s not that expensive, and the information is beyond price.

Even moreso, I encourage everyone to realize the importance, the dire importance, of not only sending this President packing in November, but just as importantly, sending reliable conservatives to the House and Senate. Vet every candidate, regardless of incumbency, regardless of party; ask yourself if you trust YOUR representatives in Congress to vote to repeal ObamaCare, and then ACT accordingly to MAKE CERTAIN that they will be the ones to represent you on Capitol Hill, just as much as you work to make sure that Obama goes back to “Sweet Home Chicago”.

Now is the time for ACTION. Thoughtful, pragmatic, effective ACTION. Act beginning TODAY. We are the tea party movement that shocked the political establishment in 2008/9 because we WORKED to grab their attention. We are the same people who put conservatives in Congress with landslide victories in 2010 because we WORKED to make it happen. Our nation needs us again and still.

Vent your frustrations today, and tonight think long and hard first about what what YOU as an individual can do to help your local conservative candidates win their primaries this summer, and then what YOU as an individual can do to help Mitt Romney win in November. Mitt is going to need a House and Senate with a spine and it’s up to ALL OF US to make SURE that he gets it.

Nothing can be left to chance now. It is time to ACT.

How Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Affects Consumer Prices

I just ran an example on how the 9-9-9 Plan affects consumer prices.
Let’s say you want to go out right now and buy a flat screen TV, and let’s say that the flat screen TV you want to buy is priced at exactly $500.00. With our local sales tax here in Pinellas County, Florida… we pay 7% sales tax (state and local taxes combined), so that $500.00 unit will cost $535.00. That’s the situation we have currently.
Now, to get a real picture of how the 9-9-9 Plan will affect the prices we all would pay for goods as consumers, we have to take a peek under the hood of the consumer economy to see how the prices we’re currently paying are determined.  The average corporate tax rate is 35%. Corporations must account for this tax so that they can pay it. To pay the tax, they must increase their prices so that they will be certain to have enough gross profit to pay the tax. On average, 22% of the price of most consumer products is incorporated into the retail price to cover this. The 9-9-9 Plan reduces that 35% corporate tax rate to 9%. If that corporate tax rate is lowered to 9%, that 22% is reduced to about 6%. (using the ratio of 35% : 22%, 9% : ~6%).
So, let’s look at the prices now, removing the current taxes, then applying the 9-9-9 Plan taxes, looking at that $500.00 flat-panel TV again. If 22% of that $500.00 is there to cover the 35% corporate tax rate, then removing that 22% gives us a ‘real’ price of $390.00. (I know, right?! Did you KNOW you were paying $535.00 for a $390.00 TV?! I didn’t, either!). So, let’s take that $390.00 TV now, and let’s say that since the corporate tax rate is now only 9%, the company can recoup that cost by adding 6% to the price of the unit. Now, the TV costs $413.40. Now, you add in your 9% national sales tax. Also, you still have to pay 6% sales tax to the state of Florida, and of course we can’t forget one more percent for “Penny for Pinellas”, for a total of 16% in sales tax (federal, state, and local combined). Adding that to $413.40, we get $479.55.
Wow… a $535.00 flat-panel TV for $479.55!

SPC Health Care Forum – A Joke in Search of a Punchline

Fortunately, ObamaCare detractors and skeptics seemed to outnumber supporters and proponents in the audience by about a 2:1 ratio from what I could tell. I must admit that I enjoyed it when Janet Long read my question as I could imagine her struggling not to choke on the words. But perverse pleasures aside, the question I asked was:

Since Florida is facing a $3 Billion budget shortfall and the federal government is running a deficit that’s currently $2 Trillion dollars and rising, with the new Health Care law mandating an almost 50% increase in Medicaid enrollment while simultaneously reducing the federal contribution to the states, where is the funding coming from to cover the new Medicaid enrollees?”

My question was directed to the guy from St. Pete Times/Politifact (I forget his name), and he said some words, but didn’t really answer the question. He said that there could be some federal grants available that they might apply for or other federal sources that could be used and just generally tried to obfuscate the fact that there’s no real funding source for this. I think his answer was rather transparent. He did a good dance, but I think most people recognized the steps.

Jim DeMint: Welcome, Senate Conservatives –

Hello all,

The more I learn about Senator Jim DeMint, the more I like him. He wrote an article that was published in the Wall Street Journal and I’ve linked to it here. It’s very much worth reading.


Jim DeMint: Welcome, Senate Conservatives –


What makes me even happier is that our newly-elected Senator from Florida apparently doesn’t need the advice. Here’s a great quote from his acceptance speech on Tuesday night:

“We make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party. What they are is a second chance, a second chance for Republicans to be what they said they were going to be not so long ago.”

It’s important that we make sure that all of our Representatives in both houses of Congress retain their integrity. We do that by watching them closely and making sure they remember that they are being watched. We may not agree with every position they take or every vote they cast, but they must be able to demonstrate that their personal integrity has not been compromised and that their principles are still the same as they were when we elected them to Congress. This includes Senators DeMint and Senator-elect Rubio.

Union worker fired for wearing military sweatshirt (Transcript from Glenn Beck’s radio program)

GLENN: Let me ask you this. When we have the president giving a speech some place and, you know, for instance in California and some union worker, a union worker is building the stage and putting things together, hours before the president arrives, and he has a son who is serving in the military and so he wears a George H. W. Bush, not George Bush 43 but George Bush 41 and he’s wearing, you know, the blue cap with the, you know, yellow writing that military wears that says USS George H. W. Bush and then CVN and has the number on it, he’s wearing the carrier cap and he’s wearing a carrier jacket because his son is serving on that ship, since when in America do you lose your job for showing up working to work in that outfit, hours before, where you can’t even build the stage for the president of the United States wearing a jacket and a hat that reflects an aircraft carrier that your son is stationed on? I’ve never heard that before. Could we play the audio, please, of this dismissed worker?

REPORTER: He is a stagehand, a union stagehand who is working to put up the Obama rally stage here on campus this morning. He was wearing a hat that said George H. W. Bush and a sweatshirt that said the same thing. Now, the George H. W. Bush is the name of an aircraft carrier that Dwayne’s son is serving on. His son has been in the Navy for the last three years. Dwayne says his union fired him from his job here this morning setting up the stage because he was wearing clothing with the name Bush on it.

GLENN: When, since when is our president so thin skinned that he can’t even have somebody hours before he arrives working there with a sweatshirt and a hat that says the name of a carrier? America, where are we headed? Anybody who says that they are not interested in they are not interested in, you know, voting, they don’t know who to vote for, they don’t know what to vote for, get the hell off your ass. Find out. You are, you are entering a time in America unlike any other time we’ve ever seen. No, I can’t say that. We haven’t seen it since Woodrow Wilson. We haven’t seen it since FDR. Remember what I told you about the Supreme Court. I said, mark my words this is a year ago: Mark my words. They are going to go after the Supreme Court. They are going to attack the Supreme Court. When Obama attacked them during the state of the union address, that was a sign that that is the next place to attack. And what are they doing? Now the left is suing the Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. They are suing him. Not the other five. Just him. They are sending signals. America, you have to understand the progressive left sends signals. Why do you think they fired Juan Williams? To send a signal. Do not treat Fox News as anything other than an enemy. They are an enemy, and if you want to be a friend of ours, you will treat them as an enemy. You do you cannot have loyalties to both them and us. They are sending a signal not to America but to journalists. “You better choose carefully” is what they’re saying. Because only one side will stand. And if you stand with them, you will be done with us. This is a hostile, hostile regime. And America needs to wake up and know what you’re facing and know the way out.

Here’s video of the report:

The BEST Ad for Marco Rubio

I just saw a political advertisement that is sure to be a huge boost for Marco Rubio. What I can’t understand is how the Rubio campaign managed to convince Schwarzenegger and Crist to do the ad! I hear it didn’t even cost them a penny!

When is a Recovery not a Recovery?

Listening to the Administration and the media lately one would think that the economy has turned a corner, but selectively choosing the few economic statistics that actually show some slight growth and ignoring the many indicators of trouble is just another hallmark of this administration’s determination to mislead the American people and of the media’s equal determination to be toothless cheerleaders for it. I haven’t seen anyone in the media (apart from Fox News and talk radio hosts) do anything other than parrot the messages they get from Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod, and that’s just shameful. But I digress…

But there is no Recovery. None. Even in full-blown economic depressions you often have a few economic indicators trend slightly upward from time to time. But there can be no actual recovery when there is no wealth, and the wealth has been sucked out of this economy. It’s GONE. Wealth is the fuel that powers any economic engine and America’s wealth has been slowed from a gusher to a trickle. The rest of it is gone because it’s been stolen. That’s right, it’s been stolen. And who stole it? The Federal Reserve did.

Oh, I know what some of you are thinking. ‘Ooh, boy! Get the butterfly nets and get that tin-foil hat off his head! The poor guy has lost his mind!’, I know it sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense, but it’s true. How did the Fed do it? Well, in several ways, but here are two things the Fed did to transfer wealth out of the American economy and eventually into their hands:

First, they monetized the national debt. As the recession went global and tax incomes shrank, the U.S. Federal Reserve, after assuring the world that it would not monetize the debt, did exactly that. When a government is faced with rising costs* and falling revenues (our workforce is only 65% employed) it has two choices. Drastically cut income tax rates to decrease the burden on corporations and small businesses and dramatically cut government spending to keep money in the private sector and re-grow the economy OR, it can print extra currency and use that currency to pay its debts to try to remain solvent (called “monetizing the debt”). The reason the U.S. wanted to assure the world that it would not monetize its debt is that this is an extremely risky thing to do; so risky in fact that it has never been done successfully. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke knows (and all economists know) what monetizing debt entails and they know how risky it is. The world would be up in arms if the Fed were to try this because the U.S. Dollar is the world’s reserve currency. That means, the U.S. Dollar is the currency that has been chosen to back the world’s other currencies. This is why when commodities are traded on global markets (like grain and crude oil) they are traded in U.S. Dollars.

Why is it risky to monetize the debt? Because printing all of that currency eventually injects it into the economy, but you have no control over how fast it enters the economy because the only way to measure it is by monitoring certain economic indicators that can only show you the economic conditions for previous fiscal periods. A key thing that increasing the money supply does is that it devalues the currency. With more dollars in circulation and no increase in real wealth each dollar becomes worth less than before and it requires more dollars to purchase things. This is also called inflation because the money supply and prices increase (become inflated).

As this process continues, eventually the rate of inflation has to increase in order to keep up as more and more dollars are needed to cover increasing amounts of debt and the consumer demand for dollars to pay the higher prices. The dollar becomes worth less and less, prices go higher and higher, and eventually the rate of inflation starts to increase exponentially and inflation rates can go all the way to 50% per month or even higher. This is called hyperinflation and the lack of confidence it causes in the currency is catastrophic to an economy. It’s what happened to the German economy after World War I. People literally would bring wheelbarrows filled with German bank notes to do their shopping as prices started to double every two days. (The price for a single loaf of bread eventually topped 3 Billion Marks.)

To use this method to deal with an economic crisis one must use precise timing, picking the exactly correct moment to suddenly stop printing money and raise the discount lending rate to prevent hyperinflation from occurring. The trick is, as I mentioned earlier, all of the economic indicators are showing data that could be months old, so whomever has this unenviable task is literally guessing in the dark about when to do this.

Secondly, Congress passed the TARP bill and the U.S. Treasury purchased all of the toxic mortgage assets held by Citi, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan, and Goldman Sachs. Actually, that’s what it was supposed to do, but it didn’t quite happen that way. Immediately after the bill was signed into law, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was contacted by the Federal Reserve for a meeting. After the meeting, Secretary Paulson held a press conference where he said that the economic situation had worsened so much during the legislative process that using the TARP money to purchase the toxic assets was no longer an effective use of the money and he would instead be using the money to purchase preferred stock from the banks.

Currently, the total amount of money that has been injected into the financial system, both directly and indirectly, stands at 13 Trillion dollars; and yet the economy is still listless on its best days and spiraling on its worst. Think about that for a moment. How much wealth has been removed from our economy if adding THIRTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS back into it doesn’t do anything?

By means of comparison, the best data I can find on the current market value of America’s gold reserves is about 260 Billion Dollars. What the Federal Reserve has done is the equivalent of stealing all the gold out of Fort Knox and getting away scott-free – Fifty-two times!

* $700,000,000,000.00 for TARP
$787,000,000,000.00 for Stimulus
$1,053,000,000,000.00 for Health care
(That alone is $2,540,000,000,000.00 [Two trillion, five-hundred forty billion dollars])

An important perspective on Deep Horizon

The following is a blog entry posted by Mickey Spencer, a tea party member from Central Florida. I think it has some important insights into what’s happening on the Gulf Coast right now, so I reposted it here with his permission.

On June 29, 2010 I was privileged to be given the opportunity to travel to Navarre, Florida with Patricia Sullivan (candidate for 8th US Congressional District Representative), Jason Hoyt (broadly recognized Tea Party movement leader and host of Tea Party Patriots Live radio show), and Allen Wilson (videographer). Patricia felt led to learn more about the oil spill problem beyond what the government, BP, and the media are filtering for us and she extended the invitation to us to join her on this trip so we could each tell the story from our own unique perspectives. I am grateful to her for this opportunity.

While each of us had our own particular goals with the trip, I think they were mainly twofold: 1) See the actual damage being caused and 2) talk to the people who live and work there about their perspectives on what’s happening (and what’s not happening!). An unplanned positive from this trip was that we were able to communicate to the people with whom we spoke that they’re not alone… that there are indeed people not living in their area who do indeed care greatly about what’s happening there. Yes, I’m sure we touched a few lives there by showing that we care, but that pales in comparison to how much the people there touched our lives.

We came to the general consensus that the people there all seemed to have a thousand mile stare in their eyes… as if they’re searching for answers and yet feeling that their search is in vain. They have learned though that what their government officials (local, state, AND federal) have been telling them have been lies. They’ve learned that what BP officials have been telling them have been lies as well. They’ve learned they can’t trust what the media is telling them either. They’re frustrated when they speak with friends and relatives in other parts of the nation and world that this isn’t being perceived as that big of a problem (which is how it’s being reported in the media). Even if someone from the government, BP, or the media came to them tomorrow and finally told the truth they have lost so much confidence that they would naturally assume that to be a lie as well. They genuinely feel they’re all alone and the only ones who know what they’re going through or care about it are other coastal residents. And even some of them are in denial about the problem or are blindly believing what their government, BP, and the media are telling them.

We visited the beach areas from Navarre Beach to Pensacola. The only real difference was the number of tar balls on the beach and the number of BP subcontractors working at removing the tar balls as well as the size of the equipment they were using.

In Navarre Beach, we spoke with a surfer who, based upon the fact the government had declared the beach safe and the absence of many tar balls on the beach, had decided along with some friends of his that it was safe to surf.

We ventured a little over a mile west of there to another location on the beach and got there just as some BP subcontractors had arrived to set up what looked like picnic areas so they could begin gathering up tar balls. We learned that these cleanup crews typically are allowed to work only about 15 minutes of every hour (being paid hourly of course) so as not to exhaust them in the typical beach hot sun. They were allowed to work more than 15 minutes the day we were there due to it being an overcast day with occasional drizzle… spinoff from Hurricane Alex.

The BP subcontractors have a pretty rigid procedure list that they follow when they arrive. First they lay out huge sheets of thick plastic on clean areas of the beach. On that they place their drinks, their coolers, their plastic garbage bags, their extra sets of rubber gloves and rubber boots (all disposable of course), etc. You will NEVER see one of the BP subcontractors walking on the beach without the rubber boots and rubber gloves on them. You also won’t see them venturing actually into the surf. They are there solely to clean the tar balls off the surface of the beach… clearly only for cosmetic reasons!

Also while we were there we saw an environmental engineer from their county show up wearing rubber waders that extended up to his armpits and also covered his hand and arms. He went into the shallow surf to take water samples ostensibly to see if the water was safe. However, we learned that every sample he takes requires TEN DAYS before the county commissioners will act on the results of those findings. TEN DAYS!!!

During the whole time the BP subcontractors were out there on the beach with their rubber boots and rubber gloves and the environmental engineer was out there in a virtual HazMat suit, there were still visitors to the beach going into and out of the water without a care in the world because the county commission had determined the water was safe TEN DAYS ago. And some of these visitors to the beach who were playing in the surf were little children… with their parents there approving of it because the government (and the tourist council) was communicating to everyone that the water is fine!

Keep in mind this was 4 days before the 4th of July weekend when we visited. Any other year the road running along the beach would have been a virtual parking lot with thousands and thousands of people. Traffic was not a problem on the day we went. The only parking lot with more than 5 cars in it (aside from vehicles toting BP subcontractors) was the one in Pensacola. And even that parking lot (which looked to be capable of holding thousands of cars had maybe 2 or 3 dozen cars in it. What it did have a lot of were dump trucks to carry away the polluted sand they’d carry away. What it also had were TV news trucks from Fox, NBS, and ABC from as far away as Tampa. And on the beach itself, were dozens and dozens and dozens of BP subcontractors (often relaxing under their temporary shelters on the beach) and more than a dozen earthmovers (some might call them bulldozers) scooping up the trash bags filled with tar balls that were being scooped up.

And in the midst of all that you’d see little children and adults playing on the beach and in the water, totally oblivious to the heavy equipment and all the protective clothing on the BP subcontractors. We took a handful of photos and video of the contrast between the heavy equipment filled with tar balls and the little children pulling their little beach toys all in the same photos. If you weren’t there to witness it with your own eyes, you’d swear the images had been Photoshopped. I can assure you no mixing of images took place. It was sickening to see it in person.

We learned that BP (and the government) steadfastly refuses to allow volunteers to do any cleanup effort on the beaches at all claiming there’s a liability issue and they need to make sure their subcontractors have taken classes in how to handle hazardous materials and have signed waivers holding BP and the government blameless. And yet, those same governments portray to beach visitors that the beach and the surf is just fine and to be sure to come on down and spend your tourist dollars there.

We met one incredible gentleman on the beach who told us he’d been living there since 1946. He told us we could call him Big Daddy. Big Daddy had a lifetime of experiences to tell about, but more importantly, Big Daddy knew a lie when he heard one. Big Daddy knew quite a lot about what was really going on with the oil spill and the efforts on the part of the government, BP, and the media to cover it all up. You could almost see the tears wanting to come out as Big Daddy told his story, but I think Big Daddy had already shed all the tears he could spare. That poor man’s heart was broken and continuing to break a little more daily as this problem continues to get worse and the lies to cover it all up get bigger.

Patricia spent quite a lot of time talking privately with Big Daddy. The impact that each of them had on the other was immeasurable. I think each of them will continue for a long time gaining a little more understanding of how much each of them had affected the other with their talk that afternoon.

We learned that evening that Debbie Gunnoe was going to be hosting a startup meeting of concerned residents to discuss what they could do about all this, gauge their interest, and see how many would be willing to commit to helping. We already owed a great debt of gratitude to Debbie for providing us with a place to stay Tuesday night. And we were more than happy to attend her meeting as observers and to help out with our advice along the way. Patricia, Jason, Allen and I each bring something to the table in putting together groups of people, writing letters, leading those groups of people, and defining goals. In addition to all that, Allen is an absolutely wiz with video and how to make it tell a message to further your cause.

Additionally, we learned from one lady at the meeting in particular (and there are many more stories just like this one!) about some of the other toxins in the water. Benzene is apparently one of the key ingredients in the dispersants that BP is adding to the oil at the point of the leak. We’ve all been assured that the use of the dispersants is totally safe. However, Benzene is a known carcinogen (proven to directly cause cancer). This nice lady and her family had gone to the beach a very few weeks ago after the spill. The county commissioners had declared the beaches to be safe. So she, her husband, and her children had gone in the surf to play. Her husband emerged from the water with tar balls stuck to his body and to his swim suit. She immediately came out of the water with the same results. They immediately got their children out of the water, but it was too late. Apparently some of the Benzene –infested water had gotten into their system resulting in her children experiencing several days of diarrhea. Their pediatrician diagnosed it as Benzene poisoning. Of course, there’s no telling what long term effects her children will experience as a result of that “harmless, fun day at the beach at the urging of our tourist bureaus.”

Further, there’s no telling what all of us will be experiencing for days, weeks, months, and years to come as a result of this calamity either.

Another thing we learned is that not only does water evaporate. That’s where we get rain. Additionally, oil evaporates as well. And so does Benzene. And when they evaporate along with the water, that goes up into the clouds and eventually comes down as rain. We learned while we were there that reports of oil rain in the Tampa area are already coming in. When you pour oil on vegetation, the vegetation dies. I’ve played on golf courses before where one of their pieces of equipment was inadvertently leaking oil with the end result being that everywhere the oil had leaked, the grass had died. Imagine that happening everywhere it rains where the moisture in the clouds that produced the rain originated from areas polluted by this Gulf oil spill.

And of course, vegetation takes in carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen. Humans and animals take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Imagine what happens when you remove the vegetation from that equation! You’ll begin to see world-wide carbon dioxide levels going up and oxygen levels going down.

The people there are hurting. They all want to solve the problem, but they’re not being allowed to help. The answers they’re being provided are total oxymorons. On the one hand, they’re being told that coming into contact with the tar balls and other toxic substances as a result of the spill represents to high of a hazard for them to be allowed to help. And on the other hand, they and all of the world are being told the beaches and the surf are fine and everyone should come on down to enjoy themselves with a week (or more) at the beach. Those two statements can’t possibly both be true!

I want to do so much more to help the Gulf coastal residents (not just Big Daddy and Debbie, but all of them… including the ones we didn’t get to meet). But for now, the biggest help I can be is communicating to you all the message of what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.

Perhaps you can do something to help also… even if it’s just becoming informed about the problem and passing along the message yourself. If you know people who live along the Gulf, let them know you care about what’s happening. Contact your elected officials and secure commitments from them to do something as well. Hold our elected officials accountable!

We’ve assisted them by putting together a YouTube channel to help further their efforts:

Patricia Sullivan has written an article from her perspective on what we witnessed:

Please watch the video stories and read the accounts!

BP Subcontractors setting up their “picnic” area

Tar Balls

BP Subcontractors. Notice they’re all wearing yellow rubber boots and blue gloves to protect themselves from all the hazardous waste. And this is just for walking on the beach, raking and scooping up the tar balls, and placing them in plastic garbage bags.

Occasionally a BP Subcontractor will venture their nets into the shallow surf to gather up some tar balls. But under no circumstances will you see them actually set foot in the water.

More cleanup effort. Of course, this is all strictly for the cosmetics. They want it to appear that there isn’t a tar ball problem.

But of course once they’re done here, they’ll be responding to the next siting and then be back here again a couple of hours later when it’s filled again with tar balls.

Most of the tar balls resemble dog poop. But of course the dog poop doesn’t kill the vegetation and last for decades. And to be honest, the dog poop doesn’t smell as badly.

More tar balls. It looks like a bad case of BP diarrhea!

Pensacola Beach… with parking for thousands, there were maybe two dozen cars there. But there were dozens and dozens and dozens of dump trucks to carry away the tar balls and polluted sand.

Keep in mind this is the week before the 4th of July. This beach should be packed. Notice the earth mover. There were lots of those all over the place.

Another earth mover to capture the tar balls here… in the midst of the handful of families naive enough to believe the county and the tourist bureaus that the beaches are safe.