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Tough Love for Conservatives

Okay, folks. I’ve got to take a moment to say something. I need to give some of my dear conservative friends some tough love. I don’t mean to be harsh, but…


Now, this won’t apply to all of you, but those of you it does apply to should hopefully recognize yourselves in what I’m about to say, and that is that I’m sick to death of watching conservatives tear each other apart. You people that are doing this, and most of you know who you are, YOU are the primary reason that Main Street America can be convinced by the media that conservatives are a bunch of narrow-minded, radical extremists that aren’t worth listening to. And the reason they can be so easily convinced of that is because that’s exactly what many of you are! What’s worse is that you make the rest of us look as fringy as you are because what we believe in is so similar at first glance and you are not only shooting yourselves in the foot, but you’re hindering the entire conservative cause!

Forget ideological purity! I mean it! FORGET IT!! Do you want to know how progressives have managed to dominate political discourse? They’ve accomplshed it by making alliances with people and groups that are similar enough that they can find common cause and work together. But what do many of you do? You do the opposite! Instead of looking for common ground, you look for the differences and you use that to justify attacking the very people you should be working with!


I just saw a post where a well-known senator, well-known for being a ‘moderate’, or a ‘RiNO’, publicly pointed out a problem with pending legislation, in this instance taking a rather conservative position. The first comments on that post consisted of an attack on the senator for not being a reliable conservative. That may be true, but is that really the point?

Don’t get me wrong. A strong ideological foundation is critical to effective political action and promoting our values. But we have got to stop being so tightly wedded to the ideal of ideological purity that we make it impossible to work together. We have to start looking for allies amongst ourselves and working with people with whom we have common cause, even if we don’t agree on everything. Even if we don’t agree on important things! Basically, we have to grow up and stop acting like a bunch of spoiled babies if we want to be able to make our message appeal to the average Joe and help the 9 to 5 crowd wake up from their comas and join us in setting the country back on the right path.